Greetings From The New Pastor

Tremont United Methodist Church

A Word From The Pastor

Elder pastor Tremont UMC
Grace, mercy and peace,
I pray all is well with your soul. This brief missive is to introduce myself as your new
pastor of Tremont United Methodist Church. I find it a privilege to serve as your
pastor and I look forward to the great and wonderful things that God is going to do in
us and through us as the body of Christ.
I am pleased to announce that every Sunday we will have our own lively worship
service at our new time 12PM. Our service can be viewed on Zoom, Face Book,
YouTube, and in a few weeks on our new website. In our efforts to ensure everyone
can view the service. We ask that you please share if you are interested in receiving a
DVD. We would like to provide a DVD to those persons who do not have access to a
computer and/or other platforms to watch the Sunday service. In the very near future
we will have DVDs available by request and by need.
Currently, myself and the leadership of Tremont are in the process of forming a team
to develop strategies and a written manual to submit to our District Superintendent for
approval to reopen our church. We anticipate that our building will reopen some-
time in September.
As we go forth together in this season of uncertainty, and of developing new norms,
we are trusting God like never before. Our faith dictates to us, that in the midst of
chaos and upheaval, challenges and concerns our God is on the side of the righteous
and makes our paths clear. Just like he did for the Israelite people as they were to cross
over into the promise (land). God parted the Red Sea and saw them safely over.
(Exodus 14:21)
If God did it then, surely, He will not fail to make a way for all of us. And I am cer-
tain that God, who began the good work within you (us), will continue his work until
it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.Philippians 1:6 NLT
Church there is still work for us to do. Building closed or opened, we are here and that
means we are to serve God and Gods people. With that being said, we continue to do
the work needed in our community, such as meeting the needs of those who are food
deprived, reaching out to others and offering our resources, and lastly we are a praying
church; praying for one another, praying for our neighbors, community, and the world
because we know the effective, fervent prayers of a righteous person can accomplish
much.James 5:16 NKJV
As your new pastor, I am committed to serving you and the community. I promise to
always do my best to lead authentically, to lead in love and to lead in accordance to
the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I invite you to taste and see what the Lord is doing,
for the Lord is good and is doing a new thing, do you not perceive it? (Psalm 34:8, Is
48:19). For the Lord, our God desires/plans our good and not to harm
(Jeremiah 29:11).
As you welcome me as your new pastor. I welcome some of you back. The pandemic
has made it greatly challenging for many of us to stay connected. My goal is for all of
us to reconnect. Within the next couple of weeks, I will have regularly scheduled
office hours, so persons may come by to visit with me by appointment only to adhere to
COVID protocol).
Each week the various committees, ministries and I are meeting to plan how we are
going to go forward as a church family. We anticipate our ministries and other activities
to be up and running soon. We will keep you posted.
It is my sincerest hope as we move forward that you join in on the movement. Please
continue to support all of our efforts. First with prayer, secondly by giving/sharing of
your gifts, graces and talents, and lastly by continuing to give a tangible gift if you can.
Tremont offers online giving, and we still receive checks at the church. Our financial
treasure is at the church office 12 days a week and again I as your pastor will have reg-
ular working hours within the next couple of weeks which will bring a regular presence
and some activity to the building.
I am aware that during this pandemic, many persons are unemployed and have suffered
extreme financial as well as other hardships. My prayers are with you all and especially
with those who have lost a loved one in this season. May our Lord, continue to comfort,
strengthen, heal and give you peace. Once I am set up at the office, I will be available
for consultation and spiritual guidance. Again, by appointment only.
Lastly, I need to hear from you. How are you doing? What do you need assistance or
help with? My desire is for Tremont UMC under my leadership to be a support, re-
source and place of opportunity and love in action for others. Tremont United Methodist
Church is a vital entity to our church family, the community and abroad.
Its time for us to reconnect and to serve the Lord with gladness and joy in our hearts.
I look forward to meeting all of you. God Bless
On My Toes for Christ
How beautiful the feet of them who bring the good newsIs 52:7
Rev. Dr. Leslie Duroseau
48:19). For the Lord, our God desires/plans our good and not to harm