Tel: 718-583-8700 Fax: 718-466-0944
Tremont United Methodist Church 1951 Washington Avenue Bronx, N.Y. 10457

Covid-19 Response Intent to Reopen

Intent to Reopen

Intent to Reopen and Guidelines
Grace and peace,
Tremont United Methodists Church has received the official letter of
permission to reopen from District Superintendent, Rev Dr Denise SmartSears. Once
we receive Our reopening badge it will be displayed at the front entrance of the church.
We are in the process of scheduling the date for our official reopening. We will
inform the congregation of this date once it is determined.
We look forward to coming back into our building. We will do this in the safest
manner possible by following all of the recommended protocol by NYS and our Bishop
and Annual Conference.

Below are the steps taken to assure the safety and health of all.

 1- The church was cleaned and sanitized; all high touch surfaces, including
pews, chairs, desks, tables, kitchen, restrooms, doorknobs, classrooms were
included in the cleaning and sanitization services. The air condition system
has the approved filtered system installed for safe air ventilation.

 2- All hymnals, bibles and shared items were removed from the sanctuary
and from other gathering areas.

 3- Cleaning supplies and sanitization items such as; masks, hand sanitizer,
tissues, cleansing wipes and no-touch garbage cans were purchased and
placed in areas of the church for easy accessibility.

 4- We’ve identified our entrance and exit and have placed the proper signage in those places.

5- Precautionary signage that informs about COVID-19
and how to stop the spread of it is displayed throughout the building.

 6- The church will be cleaned and sanitized after each worship service by
the sexton.

 7- If you are considered vulnerable; age 65 years or older and/or have preexisting medical conditions, we highly recommend that you do not attend service at this time.

 8- Virtual worship service will continue once the building reopens. Please
join us ———————————————————————————

Please share your intentions to return to church for worship: Will you attend
worship service once the church reopens? Yes_____ No_____
If no, please state why___________________________________________

Please share what would make you feel most comfortable for you to return to in
person worship.

If you are in need of further assistance, please contact us at the church office at 718 583 8700.

In -Person Worship Requirements:
Shared Sanctuary Users (members and visitors for worship service).
We welcome our beloved members and all guests into our sanctuary for spiritual
renewal, healing and to worship our God in community.
We are committed to providing a clean and safe environment for your return.

The following protocols and restrictions are set in place to ensure everyone’s safety:

1. Upon entry your temperature will be taken.

2. You must have on a mask or we will provide you with one. A mask must be worn at
all times while you are in the building.

3. Hand sanitizer will be readily available.

4. Hands should be washed regularly with soap and water.

5. Seating will be restricted to every other pew and will not exceed 50% capacity.

6. Choir and congregational singing is suspended until further notice.

7. The use of shared microphones will be eliminated. Those who use a microphone will
not share it with anyone else. Microphone covers will be provided.

8. The implementation of a “no-touch” policy will include:

No passing of the peace.

No altar calls.

No receiving lines to greet people upon entrance or exiting.

No passing of the collection plate during offering.

The role of the greeters and ushers is to ensure social distancing.

No printed materials will be passed out.

No coffee/fellowship hour until further notice.

Attendees are allowed to bring their own bible and they may bring a copy of the
bulletin that they have printed from their own homes. Bulletins cannot be shared, and
bulletins will not be distributed by the church.

There will be a stationary collection box for our offering and monetary gifts upon
exiting the building.

After each service our sexton will clean the building with an emphasis on pews/chairs,
doorknobs, railings, bathrooms and other high-touch areas, allowing people to safely
gather. Additionally, signage will be installed clearly identifying paths for both entry
and exit of the building for the purpose of social distancing.

We are aware that members will have varying degrees of anxiety being in public
spaces. We invite you to get in contact with our pastor, Rev. Leslie Duroseau for pastoral care and counseling, and our Lay Leaders for support at the church office.

We will have Holy Communion through intinction or with the use of individual cups/bread is not
allowable until the threat of transmission of COVID-19 is minimized. Pre-made, selfservice communion cups with bread inside of the flap may be utilized if made available upon entry.

9. Attendance will be taken of those present at the worship service for the purposes of being able to track someone if they were to become sick and/or exposed to COVID-19. Members and visitors will be contacted if someone develops COVID-19.

10. Persons refusing to wear a mask, have their temperature taken, or unwilling to practice social distancing will not be permitted into the building as per state guidelines and regulations.

11. Once, the building is at 50% capacity. Persons will no longer be permitted to attend the worship service.